Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

One Voice under the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU
Under the Belgian presidency of the EU, VI.BE and Wallonie Bruxelles Musique oversaw the discussions alongside 21 Belgian organisations representing a great diversity of voices within the sector.
The results from these discussions will be presented on the occasion of “Europe Day” on May 9th 2024 at a special event organised by Liveurope at Ancienne Belgique in Brussels.
One Voice under the Swedish presidency of the Council of the EU
The One Voice for European Music initiative was carried during the Swedish presidency of the EU by Musiksverige who set up three focus groups gathering national participants to contribute to a joint reflexion for the sector.  Â
The results from the group discussions were presented as three short concrete action plans toward the politics and the sector itself. An event took place in May 2023 in Nalen to present the findings to all the stakeholders and the press.

One Voice under the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU
SoundCzech, an organization committed to supporting the Czech music scene and financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, followed up the One Voice for European Music initiative.
The recommendations are the result of the working groups that took place on 28 September 2022 in Prague.Â
One Voice under the French presidency of the Council of the EU
In 2021, the Centre national de la musique (CNM) launched the One Voice For European Music initiative, in order to strengthen the European Union (EU) support for the music sector.
From October 2021 to February 2022, 4 thematic working groups have been organised , focusing on different key priorities identified through preliminary discussions with the sector.
The agendas of these working groups were co-constructed with the sector so as not to leave any important matter aside. The result of this process is an inclusive, consensual set of recommendations developed with the objective of serving the general interest of the European music sector.Â

Find all the resources used during the consultation process